137Celine Naef
115Erika Andreeva
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Celine Naef
Celine Naef
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Erika Andreeva
Erika Andreeva
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Celine Naef vsErika Andreeva Prediction

Celine Naef is unseeded and ranked 137 from Switzerland. Erika Andreeva is seeded 5 and ranked 115 from Russia. This is a Quarter Final match, Best of 3 sets, at Limoges in France.
The Tournament started on 2024-12-09 and is played on Indoor Hard as part of the WTA Challenger tour. Celine Naef has a 8-2 record in last 10 matches and a 6-6 record within the last year. Erika Andreeva has a 10-0 record in last 10 matches and a 15-16 record within the last year.

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