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AS Roma vs
Genoa Prediction
In the upcoming match between Roma and Genoa, our model reveals some interesting insights that could impact the outcome of the game. With a 25.2% chance of ending in a draw, it's clear that both teams are evenly matched in certain aspects. However, when the game is predicted to not end in a draw, Roma emerges as the heavy favorites with a 58.6% chance of securing a victory. Genoa, on the other hand, only has a 16.2% likelihood of winning on their home turf.
Looking deeper into the simulations, Roma maintains an average scoreline of 1.8 goals compared to Genoa's 0.9 goals. While Roma seems to have the upper hand statistically, Genoa's ability to upset their opponents cannot be underestimated. In simulated victories, Genoa managed to outshoot Roma with an average of 9.7 shots and 3.8 shots on goal, resulting in an average of 2.0 goals scored per game. On the goal-scoring front, Artem Dovbyk leads Roma with a solid 57% chance of finding the back of the net, greatly impacting Roma's chances of winning when he scores.
As we anticipate an exciting clash between Roma and Genoa, it's evident that both teams possess unique strengths that could sway the outcome in either direction. Subscribe to BetQL for a comprehensive analysis and prediction on this intriguing matchup, where our model will provide valuable insights and predictions based on extensive data and simulations. Don't miss out on unlocking the full potential of your sports betting experience with BetQL's cutting-edge analytics and expert recommendations.
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