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Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Boston Celtics (--) (--)
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Cleveland Cavaliers vsBoston Celtics Prediction

In the upcoming matchup between the Boston Celtics and the Cleveland Cavaliers, the Celtics are favored with a 64.8 percent chance of securing the win. Both teams have been efficient offensively, with the Cavaliers shooting 48.7 percent from the field and the Celtics forecasted to shoot slightly better at 49.1 percent. The rebounding battle is expected to be closely contested, with the Cavaliers projected for 40.4 rebounds compared to 39.3 for the Celtics. However, the Celtics have the edge in terms of turnovers, committing only 12.1 per game compared to 13.3 for the Cavaliers.

Key player statistical data highlights the scoring prowess of Donovan Mitchell for the Cavaliers, averaging an impressive 31.3 points per game, while Jayson Tatum leads the way for the Celtics with 32.8 points per game. In terms of assists, Mitchell dishes out 6.5 assists per game, slightly edging out Tatum who averages 5.7 assists per game. On the boards, Jarrett Allen leads both teams with an average of 10.1 rebounds per game, closely followed by Tatum with 8.2 rebounds per game. Sportsbooks and handicappers have set the line at BOS 0.0 TOTAL 0.0, indicating a close matchup between these two competitive teams.

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